He achieved a critical and popular success with his ‘Stalingrad’ that is without equal in Britain for a history book in recent times, and his books on the Battle for Berlin, D Day and 'The Second World War' followed in the same vein.
To read the WW2History.com interview with Antony Beevor, click on the subject headings on the right.
This interview was conducted in March 2009.
Antony Beevor
Content featuring Antony Beevor
BOOKS by Antony Beevor
Antony BeeverBerlin: The Downfall 1945
Antony BeevorD-Day: The Battle for Normandy
Antony BeevorCrete: The Battle and the Resistance
Antony BeevorThe Mystery of Olga Chekhova
Antony BeevorThe Second World War
Antony Beevor
Antony Beevor

- Stalingrad
- Chuikov and Paulus
- Chuikov
- Tactics at Stalingrad
- Leadership at Stalingrad
- D-Day
- The Liberation of Paris
- Montgomery
- Warsaw and the Eastern Front
- Yalta and East/West relations
- Red Army atrocities
- Crete
- The greatest turning point of WW2
- The most mistaken decision of WW2
- The best decision of WW2
- The best leader of WW2
- The most overrated leader of WW2
- Why study history and WW2 in particular