LAURENCE REES: And the single most overrated leader?
JULIET GARDINER: Churchill. He was both the best leader and I think he was also the most overrated leader. I think he was a fantastic short term, crisis, war time leader. Churchill was always fantastic in a crisis, in a single issue: brilliant. When it came to understanding social policy, his rejection of the Beveridge plan, things like that, it was a disaster, and he made a lot of very stupid military decisions, or tried to make them, to interfere - though you’ve got to read Alanbrooke’s diaries to see that. I think by 1942, 1943, Churchill was not a good wartime leader.
The most overrated leader of WW2
Dr Juliet Gardiner

- British Evacuation
- Consequences of Conscription
- The Blitz
- Social Problems in Britain
- British Morale Concerns
- Americans in Britain
- Greatest turning point of WW2
- The most mistaken decision of WW2
- The best decision of WW2
- The best leader of WW2
- The most overrated leader of WW2
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