MARTINA CARR: What do you see as the major turning point during the war?
KIRILL ANDERSON: I would rather not talk about the military operations as I am not an expert in military history and military strategies. Although from the Russian point of view there were two important moments – the Battle for Moscow and the Battle for Stalingrad. The Battle for Moscow represented the end of Blitzkrieg, after that the war changed to a war for survival. And during this long war for survival the Battle for Stalingrad was a major turning point when all resources, the economy of the whole state were concentrated on this operation. However, from the political point of view I believe the establishment of the alliance was a major turning point. After that Germany didn’t really have much of a chance to win the war. Germany could fight each of the countries separately, but once the forces were united, the Germans had no chance. To me that was a major turning point although perhaps that wasn’t clear at the beginning.
Major turning point of WW2
Dr Kirill Anderson
- Stalin
- Nazi/Soviet pact
- Stalin's attitude to the Germans
- The secret protocol
- The Katyn massacre
- Stalin ignores warnings of invasion
- Early days of the invasion
- Stalin and his generals
- Stalin and the allies
- Stalin and Poland
- Stalin and the cold war
- Major turning point of WW2
- Most overrated figure of WW2
- The shutting of Russian archives
- Why study history and WW2